Friday, April 6, 2012

Siddhis Meditation

Siddhis are obtained through the practice of Sadhana, a highly disciplined meditation practice that is a necessary part of Buddhist tantrism. Sadhana practices are said to result in supernatural powers such as levitation, invisibility, psychic abilities, shape-shifting and flight. Siddhi actually means perfection or attainment in Sanskrit. Siddhis can be realized through any spiritual practice, and many religions have examples in their history. The abilities can emerge spontaneously as a realization of the nature of mind or through dedicated meditative practices. These powers are believed to be innate and available to each individual who is liberated from the constraints of conventional perspective and is able to experience an order of existence beyond the scientifically described reality. Siddhis are considered ascended skills of the super-conscious mind and represent attainment of "soul genius" in comprehension of human life. These skills may be represented by inspired science, music, math or any discipline whose characteristics engage with core meditative practices.



  1. Obtaining Siddhis

    Engage in a daily meditation practice so your mind is actively reprogrammed toward the absence of what it is. A Tibetan Buddhist mentor can help you understand this concept. This process aims to reverse programmed thought. Many gurus or monks will seek isolation at some point to make this easier.

    Engage in a daily meditation practice so your mind is actively reprogrammed toward the absence of what it is. A Tibetan Buddhist mentor can help you understand this concept. This process aims to reverse programmed thought. Many gurus or monks will seek isolation at some point to make this easier.

    Acquire a mentor to help you overcome obstacles and inner resistance to a clarity of mind. Often a mentor will support Sadhana practices with the presentation of riddles to challenge conventional thinking.

    Devote your attention to fulfilling the expanding needs of Sadhana. This may require a devotional retreat to a monastery or other spiritual place where there are others working toward the same goal.

    Attainment of siddhis is acquired through the surrender of the desire to attain siddhis. Siddhis are primarily obtained by lifelong meditation and devotional practices. They are occasionally obtained by a devotional practice associated with an immersion in a creative form like music, math, art, physical mastery (such as martial arts) or literature in which the individual spontaneously enters transcended states of consciousness.


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