Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Power of Thought – A Quantum Perspective

by Timothy Connolly

Through the continual process of physical life itself, it is becoming more evident that we have arrived at a point in linear time where a more complete understanding of our true nature, and thus abilities, are now apparent. The evidence observed in a rapidly growing body of knowledge is now linking together in a cohesive manner of confirmation, that both scientific and technological discoveries along with universally held principals on the nature of spirit are not in conflict with each other.
In a simple perspective of human thought, our scientific understanding of its power to modify and re-arrange matter is now affirming what many ancient traditions have been communicating in various ways for millennia. As we look around at our current state of “reality” one that we humans have collectively and in most cases unknowingly created, it becomes obvious to even the most casual observer that we must alter our projected path. If you subscribe to that idea, then you are not standing alone in such a desire. Embrace that bit of great news!
So what will this profound body of knowledge and understanding bring to bear into our new reality? I believe worldwide public exposure and awareness through all available avenues of education is necessary. For in doing so, we offer each participant with a common blueprint or road map which empowers them to realize through new levels of understanding, their own contribution and power to quickly better their own lives while simultaneously delivering into the collective awareness, a “boost” to all lives everywhere.

For humanity to break free of outdated forms of thought that are now proven to hinder our spiritual and even physical life evolution, now is the time to daily engage our true abilities. As we progressively grasp the spiritual and scientifically proven understanding that we are not merely observers of this dimension of “reality” but are fully capable of instantly altering this perceived reality, that is when the magic begins to unfold. The question then becomes- what does the collective mind we share want to experience and thereby live?
Do we need to experience more world chaos and feelings that we individually have no choice or power to facilitate meaningful change for the better of the whole? I already just as you know, what that answer is. Yes, we have turned the corner and are now building a New Earth. Although progress may not appear to move as fast as we would like, nonetheless this New Earth is actually emerging very fast.
Close your eyes often and envision just how you want to experience and express life. Open your eyes and know by the thoughts you entertain, creates the world you experience. Quantum science in nonprofessional terms is easily summed up in that simple, preceding understanding. All of us together are at the tipping point of realization that we are no longer simply passive observers but thoughtful and active participants in the rapid evolution of this collective paradigm shift that humanity has decided to experience.
Expect until this momentum of understanding reaches a maximum threshold, continued societal and structural collapse of those previously and now unwanted, world operational systems we may have passively allowed to have life, die off into the annals of history. While we understand that process is a chaotic natural one, we actively participate through specifically directed thoughts, that world which we now want to create and ultimately experience. This is how our universe continually expands into infinity. As you may have noticed the pervasive use of the term “we”. This is deliberate. Consider rather than experiencing life in singularity or thoughtfully imposed isolation and separation, that life is truly about “we” not “us” or “them”.
Real power to effect change is again, scientifically proven to rapidly occur in an energetically influenced environment which fosters agreement of purpose. That agreement of purpose and the accompanying energetic power to effect change in the physical world is then directed to elicit any outcome. Just what is physically expressed can be determined consciously by either an intention based on Unconditional Love, or one based in fear. These seemingly opposed thought energies reveal vastly different outcomes.

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